Advertise your business with booking options by the day(s)
Except time slot bookings from your listing
(choose time slot bookings for booking services with time slots)
Visitors can book day(s) for services right from your listing. You can choose days to block out. Except or decline bookings. If you already use booking software or google calendar they can be sync’d and share details back and forth giving updates to both calendars.
The booking process on this listing is active for you to give it a test. However you will not actually be booking anything with me. If you like, try it out and I will respond to your booking with any questions you may have. Please register or include contact information in the booking message box.
How to manage the calendar
The listing calendar can be viewed and managed both from the front-end listing page when you are logged in, and from your dashboard. It’s possible to select a date range and block or unblock it by clicking on the corresponding button. See the short video below.
- Set how many days are required prior to the booking date.
- Set how many days in advance a booking can be made.
- Set the minimum booking duration in days.
- Set the maximum booking duration in days.
How to sync availability with other calendars
Each listing has a unique Booking Import URL field that accepts ICS links and a Booking Export URL field that allows you to copy the listing ICS link.
How to manage booking requests
If the “Manually accept new bookings” check box is enabled, then bookings must be either accepted or declined manually. Since bookings are fully integrated with the WordPress content, the built-in WordPress statuses correspond to the following booking stages:
- Published – A booking is paid and confirmed.
- Draft – A booking request is accepted, but is not paid.
- Pending – A booking request is received and must be processed.
- Trash – A booking is canceled.